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三菱 三菱-Programming 手册 (COMMON) type Q173HQ172H

Never run the unit with the front case or term inal cover removed. The high voltage terminal and
charged sections will be exposed and may lead to electric shocks.
Never open the front case or terminal cover at times other than wiring work or periodic
inspections even if the power is OFF. The insides of the Motion controller and servo amplifier are
charged and may lead to electric shocks.
When performing wiring work or inspections, turn the power OFF, wait at least ten minutes, and
then check the voltage with a tester, etc.. Faili ng to do so may lead to electric shocks.
Be sure to ground the Motion controller, servo amplifier and servomotor. (Ground resistance :
100 or less) Do not ground commonly with other devices.
The wiring work and inspections must be done by a qualified technician.
Wire the units after installing the Motion controller, servo amplifier and servomotor. Failing to do
so may lead to electric shocks or damage.
Never operate the switches with wet hands, as this may lead to electric shocks.
Do not damage, apply excessive stress, place heav y things on or sandwich the cables, as this
may lead to electric shocks.
Do not touch the Motion controller, servo amplifier or servomotor terminal blocks while the power
is ON, as this may lead to electric shocks.
Do not touch the built-in power supply, built-i n grounding or signal wires of the Motion controller
and servo amplifier, as this may lead to electric shocks.
保护膜 GT10-30PSGB
带以太网类型的Q系列CPU Q04UDEHCPU
保护膜 GT15-50PSCW
伺服马达 HF-KP13
网络模块 A1SJ71QLP21S
保护膜 GT15-70PSGW
中继模块 AJ65BTS-RPH
伺服马达 HF-SP121B
保护膜 GT10-50PSGB
伺服马达 HF-KP23B
RS-422电缆 GT10-C30R4-25P
外部连接电缆 GT16H-C50-32P
C语言的控制单元 Q06CCPU-V
保护膜 GT15-60PSCW
模块 AJ35TP-BU
输出模块 AY80EP
保护膜 GT16-80PSCB
Melsecnet接口模块 A1SJ71AP21GE
RS-422电缆 GT01-C200R4-25P
伺服马达 HF-MP053
FA设备连接继电器电缆 GT11H-C130-32P
脉冲捕捉模块 A1SP60
FA设备连接继电器电缆 GT11H-C15R4-8P
伺服电机电源用电缆 MR-PWS1CBL2M-A1-L
三菱 三菱-Programming 手册 (COMMON) type Q173HQ172H     三菱 三菱-Programming 手册 (COMMON) type Q173HQ172H