当前位置:首页 >> 资料下载 >> 三菱 >> 触摸屏(人机界面) >> 三菱 GX 三菱-GX Works2 Version1 操作 手册 (Structured Proj
三菱 GX 三菱-GX Works2 Version1 操作 手册 (Structured Project)
所属类别:三菱 >> 触摸屏(人机界面)

Note that the CAUTION level may lead to serious consequences according to the circumstances.
Always follow the precautions of both levels because they are important for personal safety.
Please save this manual to make it accessible when required and always forward it to the end user.
[Design Instructions]
● When data change, program change, or status control is performed from a personal computer to a running
programmable controller, create an interlock circuit outside the programma ble controller to ensure that the whole
system always operates safely.
Furthermore, for the online operations performed from a personal comp uter to a programmabl e controller CPU, the
corrective actions against a communication error due to such as a cable connection fault should be predetermined as
a system.
GT11触摸屏 GT1150-QLBDQ
RS-422电缆 GT10-C100R4-25P
通道间隔离脉冲输入 QD60P8-G
连接器转换适配器 GT10-9PT5S
GT11触摸屏 GT1155-QTBDQ
Q总线电缆用氧化铁磁芯组(两副) GT15-QFC
手持式触摸屏 GT1665HS-VTBD
GT10触摸屏 GT1020-LBDW2
背光灯 GT16-70SLTT
保护膜 GT10-30PSGB
GT16触摸屏 GT1662-VNBD
RS-422电缆 GT10-C300R4-25P
大型CPU扩展电缆 GT15-AC06B
GT16触摸屏 GT1695M-XTBA
FA设备连接继电器电缆 GT11H-C130-32P
GT10触摸屏 GT1020-LWD2
附件 GT15-50ATT-95W
RS-485端子台转换电缆 FA-LTBGTR4CBL05
QCPU(Q模式)用总线连接电缆 GT15-QC12B
GT15人机界面 GT1595-XTBD
保护膜 GT11-50PSCB
Melsecnet模块 A1SJ71LP21GE
大型CPU扩展电缆 GT15-A370C25B-S1
RS-422电缆 GT01-C100R4-25P
RS-422电缆 GT01-C100R4-8P
GT16触摸屏 GT1685M-STBA
GT10触摸屏 GT1050-QBBD
外部连接电缆 GT16H-C30-42P
背光灯 GT15-60VLTN
保护膜 GT11H-50PSC
三菱 GX 三菱-GX Works2 Version1 操作 手册 (Structured Project)     三菱 GX 三菱-GX Works2 Version1 操作 手册 (Structured Project)